Monday, May 25, 2009

Spot the Weirdo...

Everyone is in photoshop-ing mood recently... So do I, minus the fact that i excluded the emo part of photoshop-ing.. :)

I have rotated and cropped this photo.. Besides that, i have done something else to the photo too... Can anyone guess what i did?? muahahahahahaaaaa...

Please prove that my photoshop skill sucks... I am super syok sendiri now since both wei ping and wan ling couldn't figure out the correct answer... And i am more ss now to the fact that i had given them so many clues...

For bigger photo please grab it here.. And for even higher resolution photo please ask from me if i am online...


-1 Ling- said...

ei.. i dun photoshop... i picnik.. XD emo ur head.. everyth oso emo... =.= there's no weirdo in there pun.. =.= made me spend half an hour getting more mosquito bites..

DaVIdnG said...

lol.. there is... i guarantee.. ok.. one more clue.. i am trying to hide something not belonging to B107...

CKC said...

i know u r trying to make ur blog interesting...but too bad...still no comments...little poor thing u

DaVIdnG said...

u really understand me.. love u so much KC.. thanks for adding a comment for me..

Lim Su Ee said...

Too small for me to see anything.. =_=

anitha said...

so, david... where and what is the 'weirdo'?

DaVIdnG said...

hey su ee, u can get the bigger one from me if i am online.. currently my laptop cannot go on9.. will reveal the answer soon... hehehe....

mil0chel said...

stop forcing me to comment la yo... u aso nv comment my posts liao laaaa

mil0chel said...

my comment is a comment :)

jz accept it and dun ask for too much, koko crunch..

Tan Chia Hui said...

i can't imagine tat u jiak ba bosu zo go n edit d photo... muahahha... gt so boring at home bo?

Lim Su Ee said...

Haha.. sure sure. If the weirdo is spotted, got prize or not? =P

DaVIdnG said...

happyboy--> learning new skills mar.. haha...

su ee-->sure got lar.. but too late d.. deadline reached d.. haha..

andrewL said...

(this is comment)

Hi david..

DaVIdnG said...

thanks andrew.. u just gave me two comments..