The biggest credit went to our lecturer, Mrs Phoong... To teach a subject supposedly dull and boring is not a piece of cake.. It took a toll on her to bring up the mood, to bring us together to organise this project... salute, mrs phoong... we will be missing u...
i am glad to see a united b107... It feels great when u hear compliments from other batches on our batch... They really admire us for being able to work with each others though we may come from different races and backgrounds... Thanks also to the nursing batch for being so supportive.. They took the effort to wear traditional costumes on friday... Thumbs up.... :)
I like this post!
great experience ..! rest more n eat more... ^^
great job u guys.. truly impressive~ =D
eh? din combine with p108 ar??? tak ada semangat kerjasama wan...
haha but props to the klcc thing.. so cool!
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