Saturday, December 27, 2008
haizzz... tired tired... i started the journey back to kl at around 12.30pm and only managed to reach my room here vista at 7pm... Thanks to the AirAsia skybus... Lots of ppl but not even one bus seen....
after dinner, had to straight away clean my room... and it didn't stop until midnight..
tired.. really tired... But my room is clean now... muahahahhaa...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
small little wish...
This time i did some preparations before i came back for holiday... i have wrapped all my belongings and painted my wardrobe and book racks...
When i open the door of my room next saturday, i hope to see minimum amount of fungus... Please... i really hope so....
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
the world is so unfair...
So, for every list that we post, we will be paid RM0.15.... 15 cents... to assure you that your eyes are still alright... It is not a typo... At first i thought it would be like typing a few sentences for each 'list'... But i was very wrong.. For each product, we have to google for information, find a photo and photoshop-ed it before doing the listing...
hmm.... if we are hardworking enough, we can hardly post 100 lists per day.. Meaning RM15 per day.. Mind you, i said HARDLY 100 posts per day... For your information i only managed to do 12listings today although it was only half a day.... Hurrayyyy.. i earned RM1.80 today... this afternoon, i went for lunch and it was RM7.00... i still owe RM5.20... Conclusion??? work = no work... or should say work = worst than sit at home goyang kaki??
I have to agree that it is very difficult to earn money... But when it comes to spending money, it is a piece of cake..
The day before, we went to have a try on go-kart... hmmm..... very cheap lar... RM20.50 ONLY.... how long??? 10MINUTES!!!!!! I need to work for two and a half days to play 10 minutes go-kart? fair or not??
But it was a nice one... i overtook Kenny four or five times.... muahahaha.... and my fastest lap was 21.815seconds.. 0.055seconds faster then him when he first tried go-kart.... hmmmm... Amat berbaloi...
And we are going for this soon.... PAINTBALL... it will burn my pockets again.. sob sob... RM 50 gone... only money can buy experience... haha... lame excuse....
The most important thing i want to say here in this blog is 'I HAVE QUIT MY JOB'.... hahaha.... broke my own record..previously i quit one month after i worked.. but now i QUIT on my first day at work...hmmm... young people nowadays cannot tahan lasak 1.... come on... Can anyone beat my record??
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
izzit because i don't care?
before this, i used to pay imu to send the result to me...
before this, i used to be among the first to check the result...
today, i didn't feel anything...
today, i didn't pay imu to send the result to me...
today, i didn't check the result when it was released...
and now, after four hours and thirty five minutes, i checked...
and thank god, i passed...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I finished a drama in less than one week...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sem 3 holiday..
This time we decided to pay a visit to TAIPING... Yes, TAIPING... Why?? because KC stays there mar... Taiping is not as boring as what you guys think.. But visit once is more that enough.. lol.. just like sarawak....

We also went to a memorial park which again i have forgotten the name... Don't kill me KC.. i have short memory.. blame it on IMU...

And finally, i am home now in Kuching.. Home sweet home....
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Don't waste your money...

Friday, November 21, 2008
Almost dead yet again...
crap... just to keep this blog alive... lol...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
drum rollsssssss....
yes... spend some time creating this website and we will earn like *tut*.... why spend so much time memorising names of those tiny little creatures in microbs.. Funny isn't it? We culture them and yet we find antibiotics to kill them.. CRUEL...
hmm... back to the topic...
what should we have in this website?
1)Downloadable talisman a.k.a 'hu chua'... just follow three simple steps : download,burn and drink... there you go.. pass your exams with flying colours...
2)Tricks on how Hiro Nakamura manipulate time.. i don't think i have to elaborate on this..
3)Tutorials on how to turn microorganisms into DOTA heroes and drugs into their items...
i think with this three things in my website, 1000 hits per day will be a piece of cake..
To achieve higher hits per day, just include a few more add ons in the website..
"how to be a top scorer"
"how to score high marks"
hmm.... i think enough with that.. save some for kennysia and dawn yang.. i don't wanna see them closing down their account because of me.. muahahahaha...
imagine if i charge RM50 per visit to the website... plus all the advertisement charges...
i can easily own a BMW X6 in one month

a bungalow in two months...
In five years time, i wanna buy over IMU...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
no pain no gain..

but remember... no pain no gain... god is always fair... work hard and these moments will be ours soon....

the last photo looks out of place though.. but it tells us that everything can be piece of cake, maybe??
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
i received an award!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008
fungus fungus go away, don't come back even another day....
i thought they had left....
i thought they had died....
they didn't......
they just went back for raya and now they are back...
even clorox do no harm to them...
enlarged.... just in case you guys cannot see.... OR OR.... fungus is neither germs or kuman...
i suppose i have to come up with another idea...
since they can only grow on the wooden furniture, i might as well find ways to cover up all the surfaces of the furnitures...i guess i have to do some PAINTING job this coming holiday...
colours??? any suggestion??
or does anyone here have any better idea??
maybe the next Noble winner will be you...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
my blog is dead..
somehow i just don't have the inspiration and time to blog recently.. and if we force ourselves to blog just to keep the blog alive = boring blogs..
hmm.... nothing much to post here.. just to upload some photos to irk miss wan ling... muahahaha....
oh ya.. it was mogan's birthday and we went to 1U.. my second time to 1U in my life ..

link to more photos..
Saturday, September 20, 2008
What have i been up to lately??
first of all, i would like to declare that i had lost my pendrive... the positive part is that i've got myself a new one.. a purple Kingston 4gb....
week 10 and 11 were hectic for me.. we had a 'urine smelling' session on friday.. who says pharmacist are great? who says doctors are great? they are not... they also have to smell patient's urine.. and if you guys can still remember KC's blog, pharmacist have to smell things like dogs... what does it mean??

-according to peggy, the patient might had taken pizza that morning-
right after the lab, i rushed to Pudu to meet my gf before we proceeded to seremban.. once again, thumb down to pudu station and the bas operator... we deserve a better service... i wonder when Pak Lah is going to give them a surprise check..
came back on sunday afternoon, hoping to have enough time preparing for renal test the next day.. hmm... i only have another five and a half hours left before going out again...
badminton competition of course.. IMU cup semifinal... didn't aim high though.. i only aimed for at least a medal... and we did it... we managed to bring down the first seed Pharm B in the semi... but we were not so lucky in the final.. hmmm... honestly, i should have done better... felt so sorry for the team...
i managed to survive the renal test on monday.. and i had expected the worst on thursday.. another subject.. ntg but pharmaceutics, according to dr adhiyaman..
tuesday was a fruitful day for me and the rest..we visited Serdang Hospital together with Mr Syed Imran.. since then, i promised to appreciate myself more.. if we think we aren't lucky to be what we are now, go visit those patients in the hospital...
-a little bit of camwhoring makes life interesting.. muahahahha-
sat for pharmaceutics class test on thursday and thankfully it was ok too..
however, it was not an easy time for us in the extemporaneous dispensing lab on friday.. the stubborn emulsion just didn't want to stay as what it is.. if u want to taste the feeling of being a mother of a hyperactive child, just try making an emulsion and you will get the feeling...
-harlowwww... u should be cream... not small small lump like this-
set aside the emulsion story.. it was friday... a day much awaited by IMU students.. it was the IMU CUP 2008 FINALE... pharm A emerged as second runner up overall for this edition, runner up in the cheerleading event and champion in the elephant cup... an award for best supporters... -_-!!!
-big head phoenix at the back-
showing off although it is only a silver... haha.... really happy to have achieved something in uni...
Friday, August 29, 2008
it didn't come back to me anyway..

pray hard that it will come back to me..