Previously, i used to believe that there is only one solid answer to every problem that we face.. Apart from the so called accurate answer, none will be considered, what more to say accepted... Education here in Malaysia developed our mindset that way.. No doubt Malaysian are so dead... Yes, we may have all the theories in our head after spending years in memorising but when a question is slightly manipulated, nine our of ten Malaysian will be pushed to the limit.. Worst when it comes to application..
Is that what we want ourself to be??
Today, i have learnt to think from a different perspectives.. There is no right or wrong for every decision that we make.... The most important thing is to know what we are doing and be able to defend our decision.. Life is subjective.. For a single question, there will be plenty of solutions.. For a life, there will be plenty of paths leading to success.. Choose your way and live your life...
Life is uncertain.. Appreciate things that you have, friends that you adore and family that you love..
so chim la. i almost drown while reading... Lol.
second guy from b107 gone case
Nah, this is emo lak, ok? =)
For sure, not everything has only two definite answers and life has not only two paths for you to choose.
Even gender can be "complicated" sometimes, so what are the things that is completely black or white?
No matter what you are choosing, there are some elements that can't be withdrawn from the word life, that includes love.
When we know how to love, we know how to appreciate. When we know how to appreciate, we know how to love.
Drown in the deep deep sea of problems recently, and was thinking and digging of any ways to solve.
But I can't change the situation if people do not wanna change. So, what can I do? Maybe some people just don't realise the importance of injecting appreciation into friendship.
Anyway, I know. Life musn't be right or wrong. Because,
Sorry ah, emo also so find an emo blog to emo.
lol... finally i managed to post an emo entry.. muahahhaa.... but then it is not totally emo lar.. this is the fact of life..
we will be correct if we can defend our decision.. in the other hand, we will be wrong although we have the correct answer if we cannot defend our decision.. :P david's philosophy of the day..
walau.. i couldn't finish reading..
i read first two sentences, then went to the last sentence then scroll to comment edi..
beh tahan...
all i know is..
life memang is uncertain... when u feel that u made a decision that is certain, something will happen that will make it uncertain again..
don understand hia ??
nvm.. u know why ?? coz it's uncertain...
stay strong koko crunch...
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