Sunday, October 10, 2010


It's 10.10.10 and i guess KC should have predicted this post coming.. He is kind of into psychology lately after reading so many books on business instead of caffeine.. He is becoming so good in it that he can decipher almost everything that comes to him.. The latest being a lingerie advertisement poster for minoshe.. I enjoyed and it sounded so true..

So, why do i mentioned so much about KC? I was looking back into my older post with the special dates.. So, in 08.08.08, he commented about me being 'syok sendiri' by talking without using my brain..

In 09.09.09, i didn't get to ask if i have changed..

So now, on 10.10.10, I want to ask, have i improved? I hope i have.. lol... But seriously, i think i have learnt a lot for the past few years in IMU.. I have learnt to be patience, sensitive to certain surrounding, certain people, to be selfish at times and tonnes more.. I think i am prepared to embrace the reality, the adult world.. It's gonna tough but no worries, i am still learning each day..

Till then, hope i still blog when it's 11.11.11... *Will try to capture the moment of 10.10am on 10.10.10 tomorrow... :P

*Captured.. fuhhhh..... I only had one minute to do all this.. To those who have missed it, you still have another chance... 10.10pm on 10.10.10 tonight.. lol.....


Anonymous said...

Haha..Did i say that to u on 080808? Where is the prove?


DaVIdnG said...

already linked it in my post wud... 080808

Anonymous said...

Sorry man, it was harsh...:)

DaVIdnG said...

It's ok lar... DUH!!